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7:30 - 5:30
We offer day camps throughout the year during various extended school breaks. We know busy parents are often seeking fun activities during this break and we love to offer your children a place to come, have a great time, and make new friends!
Our day camps are announced throughout the year. Please make sure you follow our social media accounts as they are often announced there first.
Day camps are $35/daily for most camps. 7:30 - 5:30. Please send your child with a sack lunch and drink, and any other snacks they may want/need throughout the day.
Each day is limited to the number of students we can accept. Please register early! You can see us at the front desk, call us at 334-284-2244 or register at the links below.
Need to know...
-Don't forget to send a sack lunch, drink and morning snack.
-Dress comfortably.
-Pack an extra set of clothes and towel on water play days.
-Registration is NON-REFUNDABLE
-If you child has a scheduled class during camp, he/she will attend
class and then come back to camp.
-Payments are due at the time of drop off (no exceptions) if not paid before (no exceptions)
-A late fee of $15 every 15 minutes late will be charged for all children not picked up by 5:30PM
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